
Monday 24 July 2017

Voter aparthy in local elections, time to be angry- very angry

"Ordinary people are tired of a society in which all the narratives and identities are hostile to each"-Uche Okeke.

We have just had local elections in Lagos state widely believed to be peaceful given the past records. The emphasis by virtually all the commentators is the low turn-out.

The truth is that people have now come to terms with the reality. The people that take responsibility for transforming society, legislative rules, institutions and communicate with citizens so that the people understand the struggle have failed.

Ordinary people live independent of government. A lot of people especially young people now look up to people like Nnamdi Kanu.

 They're now beginning to listen more to which side of the struggle they need to be on, not a system that constantly threatens their future including quit notice to leave the same territorities where they reside and registered as voters.

They've had enough of political lies,and gabbage. enough of the system that remembers them only during elections. The people  are tired of 'a society in which all the narratives and identities are hostile to each other'.

  Ordinary people are seeking for a fairer society in which the people in the society 'work together, building institutions and cities that actually work, make ordinary people productive, and of industrialising, sectoral transformation which enables ordinary people to become more productive; not a society where people are still stuck in extreme poverty'.

They want an inclusive society not a society that remembers its citizens only during the next elections often influenced by autocratic governors using the power of incumbency.

It may be worst in the South-East and South-South Nigeria in the future, given the status-quo.

Uche Okeke; My View.
Read More: http://www.theleadprojectfoundation.com/p/about-us.html

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